You can reach the city center from the airport using the municipal bus service. You can also use the Havaş passenger shuttle buses that travel between the airport and the city center. The distance between the airport and the city center is 8 km and your journey should take approximately 15 minutes.
Average time from airport: 15 minutes
Distance from airport: 8 km
If you don’t want to waste time waiting for the passenger shuttle or public bus service, you can get to the city center using the 24 hour taxi service that runs from the airport. The average cost of a taxi from the airport to the city center is 25 Turkish liras.
Average taxi price: 25 Turkish liras
Get on the road with some extra rewards. Book an Avis car and you can earn up to 4000 bonus Miles, depending on how long you rent. With Budget, there’s 35% off Turkey rentals and up to 2500 in bonus Miles.
Average car rental price: N/A
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