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Children travelling alone

You can find information on travel rights and processes for unaccompanied child passengers on our page. Child passengers must be over the age of 2 and under the age of 12 as of the date of the start of the trip.

General information

  • Accompanied minor passenger: Passengers aged 2 and under 7 years old may be accompanied by a cabin crew member (for a fee) during the flight at the request of their parent or the person authorized by their parent.
  • Unaccompanied minor passenger: Passengers aged 7 and under 12 years old may travel alone if a written authorization is provided by their parent or legal representative (Unaccompanied Minor Passenger Carriage Authorization). The parent or legal representative must wait at the airport until the flight has departed. Each country has travel requirements for children travelling alone. Please refer to your country’s border authority to learn about travel policy.
  • During the check-in process, the staff in charge will request that the legal representative of the child passenger sign the necessary documents and provide information regarding the process.
  • You can click here for the details of the Data Protection declaration about UM (unaccompanied minor passenger) and the legal representative.

On AnadoluJet flights, an additional service fee is charged to carry unaccompanied child passengers.