了解 Shop&Miles 的全新内容!您现在可以兑换里程,用于随时随地购物。您可以购买礼品卡,将其转换为计划合作伙伴的积分,或使用您的里程在线支付。
使用您的 Miles&Smiles 里程,与我们的计划合作伙伴一起享受飞行的乐趣。 您可以搭乘 Turkish Airlines 及其计划合作伙伴航空公司的航班飞往世界任何地方。 您的里程福利不仅限于航班,您还可以使用 Shop&Miles 福利来支付燃油费用!
If you are a Miles&Smiles member, you can use your Miles to pay for taxes on tickets purchased.
With Cash&Miles, our new payment method, you can redeem your Miles purchasing tickets, and also continue to earn Miles from your flights.
Now, purchase extra baggage with your Miles and comfort your journey. Always have your important belongings with you.
You can choose the seat with your loved ones, and more comfort to your trip by choosing seats with extra legroom.
You can use your Miles to receive service in the selected lounges and bring your flight experience to the next level.
If you need to think while planning your trip, you can stop time and hold the ticket price with your Miles. Moreover, your Miles will be refunded when you purchase your ticket.
Use your Miles to securely transport your sports equipment and make your journey more enjoyable.