可隨身攜帶 | 可作為隨身行李攜帶 | 可作為托運行李攜帶 | 注意事項 | |
髮膠、香水、古龍水、含酒精的藥物等。 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 機艙內最多可攜帶 100 毫升。 |
在家或運動期間使用的噴霧劑,不易燃或無毒,不會引起任何不良副作用。 | X | X | ✓ | |
玩具槍或槍形打火機 | X | X | ✓ | 如安全性部門認為合適,則由地勤人員將其裝載至飛機。 |
1 包安全火柴或 1 個打火機 (除液化氣體外,不得含有未吸收的液體燃料) | ✓ | X | X | 不可攜帶藍焰打火機 |
附無漏洩電池的輪椅與行動輔助設備 (電動自行車、賽格威等除外) | X | X | ✓ | |
附鋰電池或電池可能漏洩的輪椅與行動輔助設備 (電動自行車、賽格威等除外) | X | X | ✓ | |
附電池或鋰離子電池的可折疊輪椅與行動輔助設備 (電動自行車、賽格威等除外) | ✓ | X | X | |
附鋰金屬或鋰離子電池或標準電池的便攜式電子裝置,例如手錶、計算器、相機、手機、筆記型電腦與錄音裝置 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
備用鋰金屬或鋰離子電池,或標準電池 | ✓ | ✓ | X | 備用鋰金屬/鋰離子電池或電池組:這些用於便攜式電子裝置的電池必須作為手提/隨身行李攜帶。鋰金屬電池中的鋰含量必須等於或小於 2 克,鋰離子電池的功率必須等於或小於 100 瓦/小時。每個電池都必須防止短路。 每人最多可攜帶 20 顆備用電池。 |
附無漏洩電池的便攜式電子裝置 | X | ✓ | ✓ | |
含汞溫度計或氣壓計 | X | ✓ | X | |
醫用或臨床溫度計 | X | X | ✓ | |
節能燈泡 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
由燃料電池系統與備用電池盒供電的便攜式電子裝置 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Vehicles powered by internal combustion engines that use flammable liquids or gases must be emptied, cleaned, and vaporized. Our Alliance reserves the right to refuse accepting the device if deemed suspicious. |
含碳氫化合物氣體的捲髮裝置 | X | ✓ | ✓ | 每位乘客最多 1 件。 |
內燃機或燃料電池發動機 | X | X | ✓ | |
含酒精飲品 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 含酒精飲料:酒精含量最高 70%。一名乘客最多可隨身攜帶 5 公升酒精飲料。(由於通過機場安檢時對液體有所限制,因此隨身行李註明的數量適用在免稅店購買的商品。) |
尖銳物體 (小刀、刀具、手杖式雨傘等) | X | X | ✓ | 每位乘客最多攜帶 2 件物品。 |
乘客的醫用氧氣瓶 | X | X | ✓ | 氣瓶必須淨空 |
裝有不易燃或無毒氣體的瓶罐 | ✓ | X | ✓ | |
裝有不易燃或無毒氣體的小型氣瓶 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
標準化裝置 | X | X | ✓ | |
少量非感染性樣品,包裝在易燃液體內 | ✓ | ✓ | X | |
便攜式電子醫療器材 (包括呼吸器) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
放射性同位素心律調節器等 | X | ✓ | ✓ | |
含放射性物質的設備,如化學造影裝置、緊急警報診斷器材監視器 | ✓ | X | ✓ | |
保險箱包、錢袋等 | X | X | X | |
急救包 | X | ✓ | ✓ | |
乾冰 | X | ✓ | ✓ | 每人最多可攜帶 2.5 公斤。 |
個人自衛物品,例如胡椒噴霧 | X | X | X | |
個人自衛物品,例如電擊裝置 | X | X | X | |
發熱裝置 | X | ✓ | ✓ | |
含易燃液體燃料的露營爐 | X | X | ✓ | 在搭機前應清空爐內燃料並使其乾燥至少 6 小時。 |
含有冷凍液態氮的隔熱包裝 | X | ✓ | ✓ | |
武器與彈藥 | X | X | ✓ | 作為個人用途,每位乘客最多可攜帶總重 5 公斤物品。 |
所有球桿 (撞球、檯球等) | X | X | ✓ | 所有球桿 (撞球、檯球等) 均作為托運行李置於貨艙。禁止攜帶球桿進入機艙。 |
不含添加劑且裝在托運行李的單一包裝中的水,可以用每個一 (1) 公升的真空密封、防漏包裝運輸,總共最多五 (5) 公升。
食品 [油 (橄欖油等)、醃製產品、醬汁、蜂蜜、糖蜜、牛奶、優格、罐頭產品等] 密封包裝中的總量不得超過五 (5) 公升,最多每 (1) 件一公升。
在我們的國內航班上攜帶武器需要額外付費。 以下乘客可免除武器運輸費: Rical 名單中的 VIP 乘客以及與這些乘客同行的受僱警衛;其公開身分證中有規定武器資訊的乘客;公務員運輸執照或退休公務員運輸執照持有人;持有有效身分證件的現任或退休警官與 TAF 成員;與地方城鎮警衛人員。
Smart baggage is the term used for baggage that consists of devices that include integrated lithium batteries that allow for the charging of external devices, and have extra capabilities such as GPS tracking devices, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, self-weighing capabilities and digital locks. Smart baggage whose lithium batteries cannot be detached are not allowed as cabin baggage or checked baggage.
Smart baggage can be allowed as cabin and checked baggage, if the following conditions are met.
Transporting smart baggage in cabin
The lithium battery has to be detached from the smart baggage, carried as cabin baggage and cannot be reinserted until the destination is reached.
To protect the detached lithium battery from short-circuiting, the battery should be placed in its original packaging, or its terminals should be insulated, or the battery should be placed in secure plastic bags.
Lithium-ion batteries up to 100 Wh can be carried in the cabin and checked baggage, provided they are inside the device. 2 spare batteries with a capacity of 100 Wh-160 Wh. max can only be carried in hand luggage and packaged. They cannot be carried in checked baggage. Batteries with a capacity above 160 Wh are not carried.
Transporting smart baggage as checked baggage
The lithium battery has to be detached from the smart baggage and carried separately in the cabin.
The above rules do not apply for smart baggage that is powered by lithium button cells.
Portable vehicles that can operate with a lithium-ion battery such as hoverboards, segways, airwheels, solowheels, balance wheels, electric and battery operated bicycles, etc. are prohibited from being carried in the cabin or as checked baggage on flights.
The only element that can pose a danger in carrying drones used for hobby purposes in the cabin is the type and capacity of the battery they contain. There is no problem in carrying battery-containing drones in the cabin within the restrictions regarding electronic devices containing lithium batteries specified in the ICAO Doc.9284 Technical Instructions.
In cases where the batteries of wheelchairs / other mobility devices with liquid batteries need to be removed, the removed battery must be placed in a safe and hard package by the passenger. If the battery is not packaged properly, it will not be loaded onto the aircraft.